Imagine for a second you are the apostle John exiled on the Isle of Patmos. Jesus gives you a revelation about this HARLOT or the Bible calls her a WHORE. Well, John gets to see this WOMAN WHO RIDES A BEAST and writes details about what he sees.
Due to the details and length of this study, we encourage you to watch the youtube video THE WOMAN WHO RIDES THE BEAST below.
Click Image to Watch Video
Let's look at a few key details / verses in Revelation 17 and 18 and see if we can figure out who is THE WOMAN WHO RIDES THE BEAST.
The seven heads are seven mountains [or hills], on which the woman sitteth.
Revelation 17:3,4,18,9
She is a city built on seven hills that reigns over the kings of the earth!
There are several cities built on 7 hills, but none of which quite detail other passages in this scripture.
In modern Rome, five of the seven hills - the Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Quirinal, and Viminal Hills - are now the sites of monuments, buildings, and parks. The Capitoline Hill is the location of Rome's city hall, and the Palatine Hill is part of the main archaeological area.
Catholic apologist Karl Keating confirms that Rome was known as Babylon and cites 1 Peter:5:13
The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined."
Every Catholic knows the Golden Chalice is the major
symbol of the Catholic church. It's held up every
Sunday during mass.
The Catholic Encyclopedia calls the gold chalice
"the most important of the sacred vessels...."
OF THE SAINTS- No other organization can claim more blood of Christians than the Catholic church. It is estimated that between 40-60 million Christians were murdered under the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. See our page for details, facts, and resources to back up this claim.
The Catholic church has a priceless collection
of precious stones and pearls unlike no other.
The fabulous treasure of Lourdes [France], whose
existence was kept secret by the Catholic Church
for 120 years, has been unveiled....Rumours have
been circulating for decades about a priceless
collection of gold chalices, diamond-studded
crucifixes, silver and precious stones....
After an indiscreet remark by their press
spokesman, church authorities agreed to reveal part of the collection... [some] floor-to-ceiling cases were opened to reveal 59 solid gold chalices alongside rings, crucifixes, statues and heavy gold brooches, many encrusted with precious stones.
Almost hidden by the other treasures is the "Crown" of Notre Dame de Lourdes, made by a Paris goldsmith in 1876 and studded with diamonds.
Church authorities say they cannot put a value on the collection. "I have no idea," says Father Pierre-Marie Charriez. ..."It is of inestimable value."
Across the road is a building housing hundreds of [antique] ecclesiastical garments, robes, mitres and sashes––many in heavy gold thread....
Pope Paul VI had a pectoral cross made with 18k gold with 75 carats of diamonds.
In 2013, the Vatican issued financial figures that stated that its holdings of gold and precious metals amounted to about $50 million dollars. We also know that the Vatican Bank, a financial institution that operates a lot like other banks, maintains reserves of gold worth about $20 million to secure its investments.
The Tiara of Pope Gregory XIII has an emerald that is 404.5 carats.
The Tiara of Pope Pius IX- Created in 1854. With 18,000 diamonds and 1,000 emeralds, sapphires and rubies.
THE PANISH TIARA weighs three pounds and topped with a single sapphire. Decoration included 18,000 diamonds, pearls, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.
Pope Pius IX to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his consecration as a bishop. His Tiara, was used at all later papal coronations until Pope Paul VI's in 1963. It was decorated with six rows of 90 pearls ad well as 16 rubies, three emeralds, a hyacinth, an aquamarine, three rubies, a sapphire, and eight gold points with five garnets and two Balas rubies first tier); 10 emeralds, 8 Balas rubies, one chrysolite, two aquamarines, six small rubies and three sapphires (second tier); 16 small Balas rubies, three larger Balas rubies, four sapphires, three hyacinths, three aquamarines, one garnet, eight gold floral ornaments each with two emeralds, one Balas ruby, a chrysolite and eight gold points, each adorned with a garnet (third tier). The crown is covered with a thin layer of gold, with eight rubies and eight emeralds, surmounted by a gold globe enameled in blue and topped by a cross composed of 11 brilliants.
These are just a few small examples of the precious stones and pearls of the Catholic Church. Estimates of value are in the billions.
As for the wealth, the Catholic church is the wealthiest religious institution on the planet earth.
The first 300 years, (beginning with the disciples), the church experienced extreme poverty. Yet the church grew abundantly. It wasn't until 325 when Constantine paganized Christianity did the church begin amassing fortunes. Sadly, many of popes were bought and sold into office, lands were stolen, property seized, etc. for centuries.
AND SCARLET- The official colors of Roman
Catholic clergy are Purple and Scarlet.
The Catholic Encyclopedia states,
Cappa Magna - A cloak with a long train and a
hooded shoulder cape...[it] was purple wool for
bishops; for cardinals, it was scarlet watered silk....
Cassock - The close-fitting, ankle-length robe worn
by the Catholic clergy as their official garb....
The color for bishops and other prelates is purple,
for cardinals scarlet.... (Emphasis added)
Much of the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church was acquired by confiscating property of the Inquisitions' pitiful victims. Even the dead were exhumed to face trial and property was taken from their heirs by the Church. That practice, one historian writes, offered "unlimited opportunities for loot."
Most of Rome's wealth has been acquired through the sale of salvation. Untold billions of dollars have been paid to her by those who thought they were purchasing heaven on the installment plan for themselves or loved ones. The practice continues to this day—blatantly where Catholicism is in control, less obviously here in the United States where (for example) one pays the Church to have a Mass card placed on the altar in the name of the deceased during Mass to reduce time in purgatory. The wealthy often leave a fortune for masses to be said for their salvation after their death.
In addition to such perversions of the gospel, there are the further abominations (fully documented in police and court records) of corrupt banking practices, laundering of drug money, trading in counterfeit securities and dealings with the Mafia, which the Vatican and her representatives around the world have long employed. Former Business Week correspondent in Rome, Nino LoBello, who because of its incredible wealth calls Rome "the tycoon on the Tiber," says the Vatican is so closely allied with the Mafia in Italy that "many people...believe that nothing more than a Vatican holding."
OF THE EARTH- He's referring to spiritual
Let's face it, Roman Catholicism is always in
bed with rulers of the earth.
One eighteenth-century historian counted 95
popes who claimed to have divine power to
depose kings and emperors. Historian Walter
James wrote that Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) "held all Europe in his net."
Gregory IX (1227-41) thundered that the pope was Lord and Master of everyone and everything.
Popes crowned and deposed kings and emperors, exacting obedience by threatening excommunication.
Pope Nicholas I boasted, "Fear, then, our wrath and the thunders of our vengeance; for Jesus Christ has appointed us [the popes]...absolute judges of all men; and kings...are submitted to our authority." In commanding one king to destroy another, Nicholas wrote, "We order you, in the name of religion, to invade his states, burn his cities, and massacre his people.... "
Eminent Catholic historian Ignaz von Dollinger writes, "Pope Clement IV, in 1265, after selling millions of South Italians to Charles of Anjou for a yearly tribute of eight hundred ounces of gold, declared that he would be excommunicated if the first payment was deferred...."
Catholic Professor Carrerio boasted that the popes had "put down from their thrones great kings and yet mightier emperors, and set others in their place, to whom the greatest kingdoms have long paid tribute, as they do to no other, and who dispense such riches...that no king or emperor has ever had....22
The catholic church is still in bed with rulers.
What is a harlot?
It's someone who has many casual
sexual encounters or relationships.
However, in this description John is
referring to spiritual harlotry.
From the beginning of Catholic
Church history Constantine made
every effort to join paganism with Christianity.
Pagan temples were converted to Christian
Churches. Pagan priest were converted to
Christian priest. Pagan ceremonies have
been converted to Christian ceremonies
(Google Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Mary
Worship, etc.).
For centuries popes have been trying to unify
religions of the world. In 1986 John Paul
invited the leaders of all major religions to
Assisi, Italy, for a universal prayer service for world peace.
The ''religious families'' represented at the shrine here were African animists; Amerindian animists; Bahais, whose faith stresses universal brotherhood; Buddhists; Christians; Jains, whose beliefs resemble Buddhism; Jews; Hindus; Moslems; Shintoists, a Japanese sect that emphasizes the worship of nature and ancestors; Sikhs, who profess a monotheistic derivation of Hinduism; and Zoroastrians, who believe in the continuous struggle of good against evil.
Among those attending were the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader; the Most Rev. Robert Runcie, Archibishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Anglican Communion; Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev, who represented the Russian Orthodox Church; and Muneyoshi Tokugawa, president of the Shinto Shrine Association of Tokyo.
The religious leaders, who represented every major form of worship, were told by the Pope, ''For the first time in history we have come together from everywhere.''
Come on Catholics. No where in scripture does the Bible suggest we pray with another religious institution. Actually, God forbids it.
Scripture can't be any more clear. "There is one God, one mediator between God and man, that man is Christ Jesus". 1 Timothy 2:5
These are just 8 very clear examples of how Roman Catholicism meets Revelation 17 and 18. We encourage you to watch the video above to get even more detail.